Welcome to Ethos Healthcare

Welcome to Ethos Healthcare’s official website and online service located on domain The terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer given here cover the entire website, online and offline services and their usage. In addition there may be additional conditions, restrictions and policies which might apply. You may access and use this website and the offline and online services only if you agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions, policies and disclaimer mentioned here.

Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer in brief

The website or site refers to this website, we, our or owners refers to one or more owners of this website along with any firm or company directly or indirectly associated with this website which is owned and managed by owners. Website or Site developers refer to software and / or website developers of this website. Use of site refers to using this site in any form like visiting, surfing, watching, listening, reading, downloading, posting, referring, sharing, promoting, advertising, forming account, opting for treatment or any other form whatsoever or in anyway getting associated with this website, website owners or website developers, Company or companies and / or healthcare professionals directly or indirectly associated with this website. User refer to any entity, person, group, organization, forum or any individual or collective body directly or indirectly using this website or in any way getting associated with this website, website owners or website developers.

All information provided by you is kept totally confidential. It is not shared or sold. It’s your choice to receive or not to receive the newsletter and other communications. All decisions are in accordance with law, regulations, legal process, government policies and society norms.  The website owners reserve the right to change any policy or content in accordance with laws, regulations and government policies or due to other reasons. By using this site in any form like visiting, surfing, watching, listening, reading, downloading, posting, referring, sharing, promoting, advertising, forming account, opting for treatment or any other form whatsoever you are giving informed consent that you are using this site and anything on or about this at your own will and at your own risk and you will not hold the website, website owners and developers responsible for anything happened nor you will raise or be part in raising any issue in any forum. This site and the owners and developers of this site are in no way responsible for any information or any material posted or used by anyone. By using this site in any form and posting anything on this site, you give informed consent that any such posting or use is entirely your own responsibility and you will not hold the site, site owners and developers responsible for anything happened. You give informed consent that you will not use this site for any illegal, antisocial, malicious and / or immoral purpose.

All the information on this website is for information and support only. It is not intended to claim authenticity of any information posted on this site. The information is neither complete nor exhaustive. You must check the correctness of information yourself. Best possible efforts are made in providing reliable information and services. However website, website owners and website developers do not claim or guarantee such. This website and their owners and website developers are neither responsible for abuse, errors or incompleteness of this site, nor they are liable for any damage of whatsoever nature caused by directly or indirectly using this site or relying on information from this website. Website, website owners and website developers are not responsible for any site, and the matter it contains, that is in any way linked to this site. It is assumed that the reader / user has read and agreed to this disclaimer. You also give informed consent not to spread false information about this website, website owners or website developers and to trust and act on any such information. You give informed consent to forward all queries, suggestions, report abuse, report errors, feedback, complaints or any other message related to this website, website owners or website developers directly to and only to website owners through the form given on Contact Us page of this website.

All the information on this website is for information and support only. It is not intended to substitute physician or other healthcare experts. The information is neither complete nor exhaustive.  You should not diagnose your own sickness on the basis of information present on this site.  Always consult a doctor. The entire responsibility of checking and adhering to the legal status of taking advice and/or treatment, homeopathic and / or other treatment / therapy through any medium (personal/internet/online/distance) lies with the user / patient. Best possible efforts are made in providing reliable and professional information and services. However we do not claim or guarantee cure of any sickness or complaint. We do not guarantee or claim cure of all diseases or complaints. The products offer very good benefits and are natural and safe. Vital Cure is a Quality Management System that helps in getting suitable products that are selected on the principles of homeopathy.  Results may vary person to person. We do not claim magical cures. All efforts are made to make the information accurate and up-to-date but there is no warranty of such either expressed or implied. We do not claim cure of all diseases or complaints. The products / therapies / treatments are selected and provided on respective principles. Results may vary person to person. Ethos Healthcare, Ethos Body and Mind Clinic, The Directors, The Doctors, The Consultants or any other person(s) associated with Ethos Healthcare or Ethos Body and Mind Clinic and website developers are neither responsible for errors or incompleteness of the site, lack of response to treatment nor they are liable for any damage of whatsoever nature caused by directly or indirectly using the site, opting for / taking in person / online / distance treatment, or relying on information from this website. We are not responsible for any site, and the matter it contains, that is in any way linked to this site.  It is assumed that the reader / user has read and agreed to this disclaimer.

This website or any or all of the link sites may contain proprietary material and may be protected under the copyright laws. Permission to reprint or electronically produce any document or graphic requires prior written consent from the copyright holder other than the material which is authorized as printing and is tagged as a “Print Version”. Also it is entirely responsibility of the site user in any form to make sure that no copyright material or prohibited material is illegally posted, linked or shared or used in any form on or related to this website. Website, website owners and website developers are not responsible for any such activity.

Website, website owners and website developers have also taken utmost care and precaution against viruses in the content present or sent through the website but do not warrant that this site, its servers, or any mail sent from us will not have viruses or harmful components. Website, website owners and website developers will not be responsible for any damage caused to your computer or any losses accrued on account of such activity. You will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data or any other harm that results from the usage of any such material.

It is assumed that the reader / user has read and agreed to this privacy policy, disclaimer and terms and conditions and given informed consent on same. And if not you must exit this website immediately.

Terms and Conditions of Use

Ethos Healthcare, the organization, the company, the owners, the directors, the management, the website, the services collectively welcome you to the world of good health. Please read the terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer carefully. When you access, view, submit and / or use website and services both online and offline, you agree on behalf of yourself or any other person, institute, organization on whose behalf you access, view, submit and / or use website and services, you agree that you have fully read, understood and are legally bound by the terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer mentioned here. You and those on whose behalf you intend to access, view, submit and / or use website and services agree and are legally bound that you will not question or challenge Ethos Healthcare, the organization, the company, the owners, the directors, the management, the website, the services, the terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer at any forum in any manner whatsoever. If you do not agree to any of these terms and conditions, privacy policy or disclaimer, you do not have permission to use the website and must exit immediately. Access and use of this website and / or any service be online or offline must be strictly in adherence to legal, social and moral norms and any violation is a breach in terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer. You shall be responsible and liable for damages for any violation of these terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer. The website is intended for use by individuals 18 years of age or older. Users under the age of 18 should get the assistance of a parent or guardian to use this website.

You agree that you will not:

  • Attempt or make any such effort to disable, hack or in any manner interfere with the proper functioning of this website
  • Upload, post or transmit any type of communications or content that may infringe or violate any rights of any party.
  • Use this website as a medium for any kind of commercial activity, to distribute advertisements or post or spread other unsolicited material.
  • Use this website in violation of local, state, national or international laws
  • Use this website to post or transmit material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to any other person or entity

Changes on website and services

Website location, design, content, prices and availability of products and services are subject to change without notice. We do not claim or guarantee correct, complete and / or updated information at any point of time mentioned on this website. Errors will be corrected where discovered or notified. Ethos healthcare reserves the right to remove, revoke, change, modify and / or add any stated offer product or service. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions including after an order has been submitted and irrespective of whether or not the order has been confirmed and you are charged or made full and final payment. For refund please see refund policy.

We may make changes to the website, services, terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer or discontinue part or full of website and / or any service both online and offline at any time with no need of prior notice. You will be legally bound by the updated or amended website, services, terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer. Our choice and decision in this regard will be final and you will not question or challenge that at any forum in any manner whatsoever.

Disclaimers and Limitations of liability

The content, products and services offered herein are for the purpose of awareness by self choice, will and at own risk. Nothing in the intent, content, products or services should be considered or used as a substitute for expert medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This website and its services do not constitute the practice of any medical or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. None of the products or services offered through this website represents, guarantee or warrants that any particular service or product is safe, appropriate or effective for you. Although we have taken utmost care in checking that the information on this website is correct and up-to-date but we do not warrant or guarantee the same. We are not responsible for any error or incorrectness or omission of information and you accept to access and / or use information at your own risk. We do not warrant that information provided will meet your health or medical requirements. One should not do self diagnosis and / or self treatment and should not use this website and its services for this purpose. We advise that users and everyone should always seek advice of healthcare experts for diagnosis and treatment or in case they have any question related to their health and wellness. Use of this website and services does not create physician patient relationship.

We do not assure, endorse, warrant or guarantee about authenticity, correctness, safety and / or legal validity of information, products, services, drugs, medicines, remedies, tests, procedures and / or any other thing mentioned on this website. You agree to use them fully at your own risk under supervision of expert medical advice and according to legal validity of your region.

You understand and agree that this website and Ethos Healthcare including the content, the information, the services and / or the products mentioned here are for information only that too at your own choice will and risk. This website, Ethos Healthcare, the company and its management and healthcare providers mentioned or associated with this website do not make any kind of expressed or implied warranty, guarantee, assurance, commitment, representation, endorsement, publicity, promotion that leads to use of this website and / or services and / or products by any one or entity for any purpose. We do not claim to be free from errors, limitation, difficulty of use, disruption of use, non availability due to any reason, technical problems including bugs viruses or worms, damage to hardware and / or software and / or your device including any data and / or content on or associated with your device, hacking / phishing / spamming and any other such problem or difficulty. You understand and agree that the responsibility of safety from any kind of use of this website is entirely yours and at your own risk. We are not liable for any kind of damage and / or loss whatsoever arising out of use or intended use of this website and / or services and / or products mentioned on this website. We are not responsible and liable for any direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, known or unknown, incidental, consequential, exemplary, extra contractual or punitive damages, penalty, fees, fines, liabilities, and / or loss of revenue, profit, status, reputation or any other kind of loss or damage from access, use or inability to use of this website and / or services / and / or products. If any part of limitation or liability is found to be invalid or unforceable for any reason then the sole and exclusive remedy would be stoppage access and / or use of this website and / or product  and / or service by you. You be it individual, group, family, institution or any other entity fully agree that you will not raise question, complain, challenge, speak write and / or spread such information person to person and / or through any medium like written printed published in books, periodical, on internet, on TV, on radio on phones, or through any other medium, will not demand damages and / or take legal action and / or file legal suit against this website, Ethos Healthcare, the company, its management and / or any one directly or indirectly associated with this website and Ethos Healthcare.


You fully agree to indemnify this website, Ethos Healthcare, its owners and management, its directors, its employees, website developers and everyone and every entity directly or indirectly associated with this website, Ethos Healthcare Private Limited, Ethos Body and Mind Clinic and / or products and / or services mentioned on this website against all losses, damages, claims, actions, suits, and other proceedings arising out of or incurred in connection with the website and your use of the website in any form whatsoever or in connection with the content, information, products, services or any other matter material person and / or entity directly or indirectly associated with this website and / or Ethos Healthcare Private Limited. You agree to indemnify and hold this website and Ethos Healthcare and any other content, information, products, services or any other matter material person and / or entity directly or indirectly associated with this website and / or Ethos Healthcare Private Limited harmless from and against all judgments, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, fees, fines, expenses, (including legal and medical expenses ) arising out of or incurred in connection with such claims. You agree not to settle any claim without the prior written consent of Ethos Healthcare Private Limited and / or Directors of Ethos Healthcare Private Limited. We reserve the right to defend any claim by you at your sole cost and expense and you shall cooperate in all reasonable respects in such defense.

You fully agree that you indemnify this website, Ethos healthcare private limited and its directors, management and / or products, services or any other matter material person and / or entity directly or indirectly associated with this website and / or Ethos Healthcare Private Limited against any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses (including legal and medical fees and costs) arising out of any third party activity with this website and / or its services both online and offline.

User account

It is not necessary for anyone to create an account on this website. However you are allowed to create an account for your own use or for those on whose behalf you are using the website. You and those on whose behalf you intend to create an account are legally bound by the terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer. You agree to have full responsibility of your account including forming account, the confidentiality and privacy of account and password, termination of account, financial transactions through account, all activities related to account and all happenings in and due to account. Although we do our best to support and safeguard account, we do not have any responsibility in account and account related activities.

Termination of use

We have sole discretion in allowing and / or terminating your account and / or your use of this website and / or any service online or offline. There will not be any need of notice or communication or explanation in this regard. The decision Ethos Healthcare and its management will be final and binding. You are legally bound and agree to fully abide by the decision of Ethos Healthcare and its management. You agree not to raise question or challenge the decision of Ethos Healthcare and its management in any forum and / or in any manner whatsoever.

Posting on website

If you post on this website anywhere in any manner, you give Ethos Healthcare and its management worldwide, perpetual, non-terminable, irrevocable, transferable rights to access, publish, display, edit, modify, reproduce, distribute and use your submission for any purpose in any form and on any media. We do not have any responsibility or guarantee correct or timely and continuity of posting of your matter. We may keep and use the matter as long as we wish and also edit and / or remove it without any notice or giving any reason. You agree that you will not protest / raise question / challenge / object to any such access, use, edit and / or removal of your matter and / or posting in any manner in any forum whatsoever. You fully agree that you will not:

  • Allow another person to use your credentials for any purpose
  • Impersonate another person whosoever
  • Seek compensation and / or cost of such posting in any manner whatsoever
  • Post advertisements or do solicitations for business in any manner
  • Post chain letters or start and / or be part of multi level marketing and pyramid schemes
  • Post material that infringes or violates the rights of any third party including intellectual property and privacy rights
  • Post material which may be seen as unlawful, obscene, harassing, defamatory, threatening, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to any other person or entity.
  • Spam the website

The discretion of Ethos Healthcare will be final and binding on you in these regard. We reserve the sole right to edit or delete any such matter and / or terminate user’s access and / or account.

Payments and eCommerce

We reserve the right to reject or modify any order and / or limit quantities on any order, without giving any reason. We make efforts to communicate any such change but do not guarantee such. You fully agree to make full and satisfactory payment upfront at the time of placing an order. Action on order will start only after receiving full and satisfactory payment. Responsibility to complete full and satisfactory payment including all charges, fees, postage, taxes etc is entirely yours. In case of non receipt of full and satisfactory payment no action on order will start or can be cancelled or modified. No communication in this regard will be entertained. Prices and payment methods are given on the website. These may change from time to time. We will collect your information including information of your credit / debit / any other type of card for the purpose of payment. You must give reasonable and sufficient time for activity on order.

Refund Policy Terms and Conditions 

  • Kindly read and follow the instructions carefully.
  • All appointments for consultations and other services and / or products must be booked in advance. Expected waiting time is 7 – 10 days. In case of emergency you will be given topmost priority.
  • The consultation and other services and / or product charges must be paid in advance.
  • The consultation and / or other services and / or products ordered by you / sent to you and the payment made by you for consultation and / or other services and / or products ordered by you / sent to you are not returnable / refundable / adjustable / exchangeable under any circumstances whatsoever. No communication in this regard will be entertained. You fully agree not to ask / demand or raise question about any kind of refund / return / adjustment / exchange / damages / fees / penalty / claims of any kind in any forum whatsoever. You fully understand and agree not to initiate and pursue any kind of legal proceeding or lawsuit against this website, owners of this website, Ethos Healthcare Private Limited, directors of Ethos Healthcare Private Limited, employees and / or anyone else directly or indirectly associated with this website and / or Ethos Healthcare Private Limited.
  • The products are packaged and transported as per international standards. If found damaged, immediately repack the medicine in the original packing and return it along with complaint letter within 7 days of delivery failing which the product will not be accepted back. You will get the replacement at earliest possible.
  • By asking for consultation and / or any other service and / or product it is assumed that you have understood and agreed to the terms and conditions and given your consent for the services.
  • All disputes must be settled in New Delhi, India only.
  • All rights reserved. Ethos healthcare private limited, Ethos Body and Mind Clinic and its Director(s) / Authorized person(s) reserve the right to introduce, modify or remove any policy matter, product, service, package or scheme without giving any prior notice or reason. The decision of Ethos Healthcare Private Limited and / or its director(s) will be final and binding.

Intellectual property

The content and design of Ethos healthcare website is protected by Indian and International Trademark and Copyright laws. The website material inclusive of information, content, authorship, functional components, articles, software, downloads, upgrades, documentation, services, information and material on this website are protected by copyright and trademark laws. The marks “Ethos Healthcare” “MasterMind” “Vital Cure” and Ethos Healthcare Logo are property of Ethos Healthcare Private Limited registered in New Delhi, India. You and no person / entity is allowed to copy, reproduce, republish, upload, transmit, post, display, frame or use any of these materials without prior written consent from the copyright owners and / or Ethos Healthcare Private Limited registered as company in New Delhi, India.

You are conditionally allowed to view and read the contents of this website on the strict condition of limited view and use for personal, noncommercial use only and that too when you fully agree not to alter or modify the materials in any way. You also agree not to pass on the material to any other person / group / institution / any entity. You are not allowed under any circumstances to use or helping or asking any other person or entity to use the content and design of this website for any use like website making, gathering material for brochures / booklets / books / articles / blogs / be it soft copy or hard copy, online or offline. Any direct or indirect reference or association or use of this website, its content and design, Ethos Healthcare, Ethos Body and Mind Clinic, Doctors mentioned on this website is liable for legal action and damages. Removing or altering any copyright notice or any other proprietary notice on any website materials is strictly prohibited.

We do not allow any copyright or protected material to be posted by any person / group / institution / entity on this website. You post anything on this website at your own risk and liability. You must obtain prior written consent from the owners of such material before posting on this website. We do not own any responsibility or liability towards any loss / damages / any other happening if such copyright material is posted by any person or any other entity on this website. However we assure if such violation of copyright or ownership of intellectual property is brought to our notice, we will remove such material from this website with reasonable time period.

Complaint and Feedback Procedure 

If you feel or believe anything offends you / is objectionable / violates your intellectual property or other rights, you agree to inform us through email or by filling us the message or feedback form given on this website. You must in such case give these details – your name, age, gender, company or institution name (if any), postal address, email id, landline and mobile phone number, topic of complaint, nature of complaint, how it has affected you, any other point. You fully agree and confirm the following statement if and when you make any such complaint to us.

“The statements, representations, and assertions made in this message are true, complete, and accurate and I have the full legal authority to make each and every such statement, representation, and assertion and to make and be granted any request / suggestion / demand made in this message.”

Nature of the Internet

This website, Ethos Healthcare and its management do not assure or guarantee against errors or problems in internet, internet service, continuity of website, online service, online communication, failure of equipment, safety from viruses bugs unauthorized access theft deception fraudulent activity spamming hacking unsolicited messages and advertising and / or any other such complaint or problem. We have no responsibility and are not liable of any loss and / or damage resulting from problems arising due to technical, human, natural or unnatural reason or cause. The use of internet and this website is entirely at your own risk and cost and is subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations.

Links to third party websites

This website may contain links to third party websites. These links are available for your convenience only to enable access to these third party websites and for no other purpose. This website and Ethos healthcare private limited do not warrant or make any such representation about the substance, quality, functionality, accuracy, appropriateness for a particular purpose, merchantability or any other representation about any third party website or its content. A link to a third party website on the this website does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, approval or responsibility for any third party website.

This website and Ethos healthcare private limited makes no representation or warranty as to any products or services offered on any third party website. The terms and conditions of use and privacy policy of any third party website may differ substantially from the terms and conditions of use and legal notices that apply to your use of this website. You must review the terms and conditions of use for all third party websites for more information about the terms and conditions that apply to your use of that third party websites. You agree to access and use third party website entirely at your own risk and cost.

Third Party Materials, Products and Services

This website and communication from Ethos Healthcare Private Limited may contain reference to third party products and / or services. Any kind of connection with such products and / or services be it access, getting information, ordering, buying, using, giving to others or making such suggestions, selling them or any other kind of connection with such third party products or services are entirely at your own risk and cost.

You agree to take full responsibility of getting aware about terms and conditions of such third party products and / or services and decision to get connected with such products and / or services is entirely yours keeping this website and Ethos Healthcare Private Limited and its directors and management and anyone directly and / or indirectly associated with this website and / or Ethos Healthcare Private Limited completely free from damages and liabilities. We do not directly or indirectly, expressed or implied recommend / endorse / promote / motivate you to get connected with such third party products and / services in any manner whatsoever. We do not have any responsibility for such third party products and / or services about correctness / quality / appropriateness / legal validity / suitability / cost effectiveness / beneficial effect / safety from hazard damage or loss of any kind whatsoever.


The terms and conditions mentioned on this website are governed by laws of nation India. You fully understand and agree that any dispute or claim related to your use of this website and everything related to Ethos Healthcare Private Limited is subjected to jurisdiction of appropriate court of law in the city of New Delhi, the capital of nation India. This applies to every dispute and / or claim by you and everyone related to you in any manner and / or anyone and / or any entity claiming on your behalf. These terms and conditions mentioned on this website represent the entire agreement between you and us and supersede any and all written and oral assurance, representations, understandings and agreements be express and implied.

Privacy policy

We take your privacy seriously. Please read this carefully to understand how we collect and keep your general and healthcare information safe and secure.

What information we collect

We respect the right to privacy of all visitors to this website. It is entirely your choice and will to provide any kind of information. We collect only that information that is required for identification, communication and for providing satisfactory service. The entire information provided by you remains restricted to those people or section for which it is necessary in order to respond to your request / need / question / concern. The information provided is only used for the purpose raised by you. It is neither saved nor used for any other purpose whatsoever.

You have option of communicating with us and seek our assistance in completely anonymous manner. This is possible through Unique Identification Number and / or Unique Identification Id. In this you can avoid giving your specific personal details and can still seek assistance by only giving general information about your concern.

In general two kinds of information is collected. One is for identification and communication. This includes name, age, gender, postal address, email address, phone number and / or any other number or id for online or offline communication. Second kind of information is related to your query. This could be related to your health status and other factors related to physical or mental health.

We offer you option of two way communication both online and offline. You may write to send for certain information / request / question / concern / support / advice / suggestion / feedback / complaint and / or any other concern. This should be done in a proper format giving appropriate details as given in the message and feedback form. In all such communications you agree to abide by the terms and conditions mentioned on this website. You also have option of receiving our response / information / suggestion / advice / answer to your query / newsletter / offers and / or any other communication from our side. You have complete choice of receiving them or opting out of them.

We do our best to keep the information provided by you as safe and secure. It is not shared, used for any non related purpose or sold. Although the information with us is safe and secure but given the nature of technology, same can not be assured or guaranteed or warranted. Similarly the online / internet / phone / any other device communication is though safe and secure but can not be assured or guaranteed or warranted as so.

When submitting any kind of information and / or material to us, you fully understand and agree that –

  • You have full legal right to use and submit such material.
  • You will not use and submit material related to any other person without consent or impersonate any other person.
  • You do not infringe any intellectual property rights of any person or entity or any rights of publicity, personality, or privacy of any person or entity.
  • You do not violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation. You will not be doing any illegal immoral or antisocial activity by being defamatory, libelous or trade libelous, unlawfully threatening, or unlawfully harassing or embarrassing or being obscene, child pornographic, or indecent
  • You will not use any material that contain any viruses, bugs, trojan horses, worms, or other computer programming routines that damage, interfere with, intercept, or expropriate any system, data or personal information, or that facilitate or enable such or that are intended to do any of the foregoing
  • You will not cause or result in product liability, tort, breach of contract, personal or institutional injury, death, loss or damage and / or constitute misappropriation of any trade secret or know-how and / or spoil or harm goodwill of this website, Ethos Healthcare Private Limited and any person and / or entity directly or indirectly associated with this website and / or Ethos Healthcare Private Limited.
  • You understand, acknowledge and agree that such information and materials may be transferred by Ethos Healthcare Private Limited and its agents, representatives, contractors, and licensees to any part of the world through any medium.


We may occasionally survey visitors to our website. The information gathered from these surveys is used in aggregated, de-identified form to help us understand the needs of our visitors so that we can improve our website and services. This kind of information may be shared with third parties with whom we have a business relationship only for the purpose of assessment and conclusions. Information collected in such survey are also kept completely confidential by us and agreed so by related third parties. In such survey we do not ask or gather information related to personal identification. You may choose to be part of the survey or not.

IP addresses

The Web server automatically collects the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computers and other devices that access our website. This information can not identify you specifically as same computer or device can be accessed by many people. We may use this information for the purpose of general functioning of our website and to enable us how to serve you better.

Cookies and other tracking technology

We collect information about visitors to our site using “cookies” and similar technology tools such as web bugs, pixel tags, web beacons, and so on. We use this technology to recognize and assist visitor activity on this website.

We will retain and use the information provided by you as long as it is needed to provide you services and comply with our legal obligations. We do not share this information except when legally required to do so and to enable us to improve our website and services. If we at all share information with third party, we ensure that third party agrees not to use or disclose this information. We may share with third party data related to visitor activity and website traffic but this data do not contain specific identifying information except when done so under permission. We, our sponsors and advertisers may collect, use and share certain non identifying data like from where you found about our website, your general location, your browser and platform, time spent on website and pages viewed etc. This is non specific information, it does not identify who you are and is no way related to your personal details. This is only meant to improve our functionality and service. If you click on any such advertisement and reach any third party website, you understand and agree to read and get aware about third party website terms and conditions and privacy policy at your own responsibility, risk and cost. We are not responsible for third party website terms and conditions and privacy policy. These terms and conditions and privacy policy apply to all third party websites including social networking websites.

Protecting your privacy

Whether you are visiting our website or institution, we use best possible efforts using latest technology to keep your information safe and secure. This includes information related to financial transaction. But given the nature of technology, we can not guarantee or warrantee such transaction of information being completely safe and confidential from interception and / or fraudulent activity. To further protect your privacy you may stop communications, update or change your personal information and change password.

Children’s privacy

We are strictly committed to protecting children’s privacy on the internet, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children. We recommend that children should not use this website or do so only under supervision of guardians.

Updates in Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

We are evolving and making efforts to serve you better. We may make changes, add, delete, modify and / or update terms and conditions, disclaimer and privacy policy any time, any number of times with no need of notice or communication. You agree to keep yourself updated with the changes. If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then the remaining terms shall remain in full force and effect.

For any doubts, questions or suggestion write to us using feedback and message form given on the website.

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